Thursday, March 21, 2013

An IP Camera Can Be a Manager's Best Friend

In our last post, IP Cameras and Customer Service, we explored how IP cameras can allow a department store manager to make shopping a smooth, satisfying experience for his customers. Since IP cameras can be accessed from any network computer, he can  monitor every department from any PC in the store to gather real-time business intelligence. If cashier lines are growing long or shelves bare, he can summon help right then and there.  But did you know these same cameras can be used to train and manage employees?


The first day at a new job is often spent in orientation where the new hire is introduced to the ins and outs of the store. After filling out assorted forms and being apprised of particulars like clocking in, breaks and lunch schedules, sick day and time-off policy, the newbie is often assigned to a fellow employee to observe and learn. But using IP cameras can add a valuable step here.
Before going down to shadow at the returns desk, the employee can view actual video to see what will be expected of her.


No one likes annual reviews. Employees are nervous and supervisors feel uncomfortable. It's never fun being “under the microscopic”. Although it will never put the annual review on a level with the company picnic, exchanging the “microscope” lens for an IP camera lens might make for a more objective review. A cashier, witnessing her own actions in dealing with a difficult customer on saved video, is less likely to be defensive, and together, she and the supervisor might share a critique ------ or a pat on the back.

Cashier Compliance

Although the major portion of real time store crime  is shoplifting, internal retail loss can occur at the cash register. There are a number of ways a cashier can manipulate the system to steal or grant “favors” to friends or relatives. These can be lumped together under the heading Point of Sale (POS) Exceptions, and a wise manager should be on the look-out.

POS Exceptions

 Manually Entered Values

 When a disproportionate amount of manually-entered values like credit card numbers, article numbers or prices appears in the POS system it can be a sign that a cashier is manipulating the system.

Ghost Returns

 Returns entered when no  item has been surrendered or no customer present can be a way of transferring money from the cash register to the cashier or a friend.

Sweet Hearting 

When a cashier gives unauthorized discounts to a friend, family member or customer it is known as sweet-hearting and can add up to significant loss over time.


Voiding a sold items after a customer’s purchase can result in a cashier pocketing the surrendered cash.

The proper placement of a HDTV surveillancecamera in the checkout area can identify and isolate such manipulations. And when the IP camera system is integrated with the store’s POS system, it is easy to generate and view exception reports with accompanying high resolution video from any camera on the network. In this way, managers can stay one step ahead when it comes to cutting down on internal loss.

But integrating video with POS systems need not set a Gotcha! climate in a store. The video can be used as a training tool to insure all employees have a common understanding of approved practices. And when there is a perceived situation, archived video can bring clarity to a questionable transaction or situation. In a best case scenario, such a pairing can help create a safe, secure workplace where employees are free of false accusations. 

So when you see the sign,

it doesn't mean only  Shoplifters beware.
But if you are a shoplifter, don’t complain when an IP camera captures you in the act.
Them’s the breaks!

If you'd like to find out more about the AxisM2014 or any other IP cameras, you can visit  or call 914-944-3425 to talk to a Kintronics sales engineer. If you prefer you can fill out a request information form


1 comment:

  1. As I have commented on your previous post, It's true, the Access Control System had brought to us much easily to manage, it could carried a lot of Admin Task!
